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Members of the association shall work on the basis of first contact/referral and shall observe the following code of ethics:




    In accepting his/her charge of responsibility for the Physical and Mental well-being of the patient, the Occupational Therapists should at all times strive to give treatment of the highest level of professional skill.


    Occupational Therapists must respect information of a confidential nature regarding the patient and should discuss only pertaining facts with other professional persons involved in the treatment program.


Responsibility to Professional Colleague

The Occupational Therapist must show concern for loyalty to those practising the same or other Professional skills, recognizing that only by achieving and fostering mutual respect and understanding can the greatest service be rendered to the patient.

Responsibility to the Employer

The Occupational Therapist should be responsible to his employing institution and should assist in the interpretation of its functions within the community. He/she must accept his/her proper share of responsibility to the Organization and administration to the department to which he/she is appointed.

Responsibility to the Profession of Occupational Therapy

The Occupational Therapist must recognize his/her responsibilities in contribution to the growth and development of his/her profession through the exchange of information, raising of treatment and educational standards and improving conditions or employment by supporting his/her professional organizations at the local, national and international levels.

Responsibility to the Community

The Occupational Therapist should promote information and understanding relative to the function and procedures of Occupational Therapy. He/She should at all times recognize the fact that, in the eyes of the public, the attitude and philosophy he/she presents, portrays the profession.

Responsibility to the Association

Members of AIOTA should be responsible to follow the rules and regulations of the AIOTA and maintain discipline by following and implementing the policy decisions of AIOTA in the interest of OT profession in India and abroad.
