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Frequently Asked

? Why is Occupational Therapy a unique profession?

Occupational therapists will always say that their job is unique if asked, and it is true! Occupational therapy is the only profession that holistically views the person. Occupational therapists have the required skills to help the person in all aspects of their life – mentally, physically, and spiritually. All the roles that are affected are addressed.

For example, an occupational therapist treating a person recovering from a disease will not just look at their physical performance but also their mental health and their relationship with others. Other factors like their cultural values, beliefs, and interests are also considered. They also consider the person’s loved ones and how that can affect recovery. This means they provide strategies for the family members as well, which includes educating them about the condition, the progress, what to expect, and how to facilitate recovery at home. To summarise, the aim is to enable the person to experience health in all facets, not to eliminate signs of illness simply.

? Which are the accredited colleges in Kerala for pursuing a degree program in occupational therapy?

In Kerala, 2 colleges offer occupational therapy programs and both the colleges are accredited. he National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) and National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (NIPMR) are the two colleges affiliated to Kerala University of Health Science (KUHS) that provide this course, each offering 20 seats.


? What should I look for while choosing an occupational therapy college?

Check our blog content on the points to note while choosing an occupational therapy college!

? What are the job opportunities in occupational therapy?

Kerala faces a shortage of skilled OT practitioners. For a state that has more than 7 lakh differently-abled individuals, the demands for health care are ever increasing and the need for OT practitioners is also continuously rising. Besides, there is an increasing demand in the UK, Ireland, Middle East, US, Canada and Australia for skilled OT professionals from India.